'A waste of a walk'
In this project, our objective was to take a box for a walk to various location to fit the box into spaces. I went to Middleton mill which is an old abandoned waste. Throughout the walk I became aware of all the places my box fitted into. During this project, I learnt to take more notice of shape and composition.
The idea of waste symbolises the waste captured in my photography. I used props such as broken walls, the mill, rubbish and walls. Throughout the world there are objects which could have more purpose rather than to waste away, such as the new trend of upcycling.
THE camera
To make the Pringles camera obscura we first cut the bottom off and attached to the top with black masking tape to block out any unwanted light which could ruin the final result. We then with a pin created a small hole in the bottom which has been taped to the top of the tube.This allows a little bit of light to enter through the tube creating an aperture. We then used the lid and tracing paper to project the image onto. Essentially we created a pinhole camera.
Throughout the project, I focused on rule of thirds, dynamic diagonals, golden ratio, vantage point, use of corners, texture, leading lines and contrast. This helped us focused on the placement of the item or object. Composition is where the viewer's eye is guiding around the piece to different focal points.
During this project, I incorporated the things I had learnt from the composition project and looked at the way I was taking the photographs, what I included in my photographs and the angle of which I took them. I explored Deansgate and central Manchester looking for old, vintage buildings. My favourite thing about Manchester is the modernisation between the old buildings. I think Manchester offers huge contrast between old and new and its noticeable is the modern buildings are mostly made of glass and have very intriguing uncommon shapes whereas most of the older buildings are made from stone, and are carved with intricate details carved into them.
During this project, we created an alphabet through multiple ways. I did household objects, light painting and book titles.
hold still
For my Hold Still Project I explored the significant damage that COVID-19 has had the environment. The use of single masks and bottle has led to increased landfill and the oceans full of rubbish. Turtles, birds and various aquatic life are being strangled by masks straps. The animals are further getting confused by eating particles of masks and that is then ending up inside the aquatic life we eat.

take an object for a walk
For my object I took three little jam jars to Holcombe hill. During this trip, I recorded my steps and how above sea level the photographs were located. To further the project, I took a clock to a Church, because I feel like celebrations that happen at church are mostly based on timing like wedding and funerals. For my final stage I found objects in their natural space, whether it be forgotten or dumped. I then recorded what part of the park I found these objects and the compass points.
rgb- red, green and blue
For this project, I focused on Fast-Fashion. For shoot 1 I explored the exploitation of factory workers through minimal wage. It's the most shocking realisation that spare change I had, was someone else wage, it's almost surreal. For shoot 2 I gathered information on the idea of Green Washing, which is why companies mislead customers that their products are ethical and sustainable, with no factual figures, just buzzwords like 'chemical free' and 'eco'. For shoot 3 I explored the effect of fast fashion on the environment. The rivers of Bangladesh being flooded with dyes making the rivers dead and ruining the water supply for civilians.